How to Install MacOS Catalina 10.15 on an Unsupported Mac, iMac, Mac Pro or Mac Mini in 2021
If you are like me, a late starter on Apple's Mac because of its prohibitive pricings in the good 'ol days, you would find that while the pricings of the newest models are still not cheap (relatively so because other PC prices have also dropped significantly), refurbishing old Macs becomes a very attractive option which gives better bang for the buck if you consider that
1. Mac machines more than 10 year old are still working exceptionally well,
2. Newer releases of OSX often give the older machines a new lease of life with faster speed and better functionality (versus Windows which often comes with lots of bloatware).
Posted 2021/9/14 - 10 min read
How-To Convert A Physical PC to VM
The best technical "discovery" since joining Huawei was in the Huawei Cloud training that KVM* comes out-of-the-box in Linux. This has allowed me to re-cycle an old Acer desktop with sufficient harddisk and memory to become a Ubuntu server and running a Windows Virtual Machine using KVM.
*Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is an open source virtualization technology built into Linux®. Specifically, KVM lets you turn Linux into a hypervisor that allows a host machine to run multiple, isolated virtual environments called guests or virtual machines (VMs).
For installation steps, read
Posted 2021/9/12 - 2 min read
How to Prevent Brute Force Attacks via RDP
I noticed shortly after I had forwarded the RDP port of my internet facing router to an internal machine at home, which runs some applications like web server etc, that my router's security logs were filled by tens of entries of brute force attacks on that internal machine. This is what I did about it.
Posted 2021/9/14 - 10 min read
It's becoming evident that the authorities are behind the curve when it comes to leveraging technology to fight scam. As with all sorts of crime, but especially for digital crime, the criminals are also innovating. The ability to innovate without being encumbered by processes and various rules and checks definitely allows the digital criminals to be more nimble than the authorities. Having said that, the technologies used for the SMS scam is at least 20 years old....when I was doing a mobile startup in the early 2000s, internet based SMS providers using the SS7 protocol were already able to send SMS with a SenderID that they could configure. Using this, here's how I think the OCBC SMS Scam happened....
Posted 2022/1/26 - 4 min read
How to Setup Huawei E8372 with GL-Inet
I went through considerable pain to get the E8372 wingle/dongle to work with the GL-Inet OPAL (SFT1200) travel router. Here's how I did it.
Posted 2023/7/14 - 4 min read