Tank Tinker
This Tank Tinker page was started during the two months when I was serving notice at Huawei International.
The name is intended as a pun for the Think Tanks that are frequently quoted for their professional opinions on the higher level problems of this world. Me? I just set up a fish tank and tinker with it. And whenever some thoughts strike me on the interesting parallels between the occurences of the inhabitants of the aquarium and the world I wander through daily, I will just blog it here.
I bought a guppy which happened to be pregnant when exploring solutions for dealing with insects which fell into the tank because I read that guppies have big appetites.
Shortly after, it spawned about 10 fries. Just some observations on how the small fries interacted with the other occupants of the tank.
Posted 2023/7/15 - 10 min read
How To Improve Tank Operations
More than a month back in the tinkering business, and getting a fresh behind-the-scene perspective of how the tinkering technology infrastructure has evolved since 2016.
Anecdotes: 22 people to setup the access of a government portal from a government laptop in a different part of the Whole-Of-Government network
Posted 2023/7/17 - 12 min read